Primary Care Providers
Who Offer Services in Oliver + Princeton
Good health for mother and baby starts before pregnancy, and family physicians are specialized in building and sustaining relationships with women and their families across the lifespan.
However, not all family physicians in BC provide maternity care. Those who do care for low-risk mothers and their babies from confirmation of pregnancy through delivery and well-child checkups. When complications develop, such as the need for caesarean birth, family physicians consult and refer to obstetricians, pediatricians and other specialists.
In Oliver, Dr. Steven Evans provides primary care for low-risk mothers and their babies and delivers at Penticton Regional Hospital.
In Princeton, the team at Cascade Medical Centre typically provides primary maternity up to 26 weeks’ gestation, at which time patients are transferred into the care of the team at South Okanagan Maternity Center in Penticton.
Babies are not delivered at either Oliver’s South Okanagan General Hospital or Princeton General Hospital, as neither hospital has obstetrical or neonatal facilities.

Dr Steven Evans,
Dr. Evans is a family physician who provides longitudinal care for pregnancy, labour and delivery and postpartum care. Patients are returned to their own family physician six weeks postpartum.
Dr. Evans performs all requested circumcisions for baby boys in the South Okanagan. It is most often done during the first few days after birth.
Circumcisions for non-medical reasons are not covered by any provincial and territorial health plans.
Women can be referred to Dr. Evans for their maternity care by their family physician or can self-refer by phoning the clinic.
Dr. Steven M Evans
Family Health Clinic
6173 Kootenay Street
Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Tel: (250) 498-3418

Physician Team at Cascade Medical Centre, Princeton
Princeton General Hospital is not equipped to deliver babies so the doctors and nurse practitioners from the Cascade Medical Centre in Princeton have teamed up with the doctors and midwives in Penticton to ensure you and your baby have a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. Physicians at Cascade generally take care of their maternity patients until 28 weeks gestation and then transfer care to Penticton.
Cascade Medical Centre
98 Ridgewood Drive
Princeton, BC V0X 1W0
Tel: (250) 295-4482
Fax: (250) 295-4484